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Thierry Stein


I have been a Phd Student from University of Grenoble between September 2006 and May 2010, under the supervision of Xavier Décoret, Nicolas Holzschuch and François X. Sillion.

Research themes

My thesis focused on Narrative Rendering in Computer Graphics, namely the depiction of motion in static images. Creating a sequence of images that illustrates an animation is a task that finds applications in many fields, from comics to assembly schemes. Such a representation is based on the projection of 3D plus time data to 2D and necessarily involves loss of information. Compensation for this loss is generally handmade and is currently performed on an individual case basis.

The objective of this thesis is to develop algorithms to automate this task as generally as possible. In this context, we are interested in pictorial visualization of particle animations by identifying and illustrating their aggregate movement. For animations taking place in a specific geometrical context, we propose a method to display this context while taking into account the animation summary. Finally, to enhance our pictures with textual or contextual information, we studied the problem of dynamic labeling of 3D scenes and the associated problems of temporal discontinuities and incoherence.

The following image exemplify this 3 part :


Publications in 2008
21èmes journées de l’ Association Française d’Informatique Graphique (AFIG) - nov 2008

International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR) - jun 2008

» See the complete list of my publications
» Image gallery

Curriculum Vitae

Full version in pdf here


I was a Teaching Assistant at Polytech´Grenoble.

Personal area

My blog : Le placard de la bête jaune