Le style dans le rendu non-photoréaliste de dessins au trait à partir de scènes 3D : une approche programmable

PhD thesis from Université Joseph Fourier - mars 2005
Download the publication : grabli-these.highres.pdf [103.7Mo]   grabli-these.lowres.pdf [10.7Mo]   grabli-these.midres.pdf [21.5Mo]   these.ppt [75.9Mo]  
This dissertation deals with the rendering of ``non-photorealistic'' illustrations (imitating drawings or paintings for instance) from 3D scenes. Abstraction or stylization enhance this type of rendering with communicative, aesthetic and expressive qualities that distinguish it from usual image synthesis. Our goals is to provide the user with a flexible control over the style of the non-photorealistic rendering and, also, to propose a style formulation that allows the reuse of the same style to render different 3D scenes. We chose a programmable approach that relies on the assumption that style attributes (color, thickness, ...) are chosen depending on generic information from the scene (line charasteristics, depth discontinuity, ...), and takes inspiration from procedural approaches (such as Pixar Renderman). The idea consists in expressing a style as a set of procedures specifying the relations between attributes and information: The user ``programs'' a style sheet that can be used to render several different 3D scenes or several images from an animated sequence. This approach is the first one to offer both flexible control over the style of the rendering and a reusable formulation of that style.

Images and movies


See also

BibTex references

  author       = "Grabli, St\'ephane",
  title        = "Le style dans le rendu non-photor\'ealiste de dessins au trait \`a partir de sc\`enes 3D : une approche programmable",
  school       = "Universit\'e Joseph Fourier",
  month        = "mars",
  year         = "2005",
  address      = "Universit\'e Joseph Fourier - BP 53 - 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9 - FRANCE",
  keywords     = "NPR, style, dessin au trait, 3",
  url          = "http://artis.inria.fr/Publications/2005/Gra05"

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» Stéphane Grabli