Emmanuel Turquin

Emmanuel Turquin


Since october 2003, I'm a PhD student advised by François Sillion.

Research themes

My current work deals with interactive manipulation of lighting in a 3D scene. Interactivity is an important element in lighting design, where the user is expecting a quick response to the modifications he's applying. My PhD is devoted to develop new methods of representation, computation and modification of lighting, and/or radiometric properties of a 3D scene, always with interactivity as the main concern. It implies fast algorithms (possibly at the price of some approximations), and a user friendly interface.

Recent publications

Here are my latest publications:

Publications in 2008
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2008), Volume 27 - 2008
Publications in 2007

Technical Report TML-B7, Helsinki University of Technology, Number TML-B7 - may 2007

» See the complete list of my publications
» Image gallery

Curriculum Vitae

2004-2007 : PhD student, advised by François Sillion
2003-2004 : Master IVR
2000-2003 : EPITA, specialized in CSI, member of the LRDE

If you want a longer resume in PDF, have a look here.


I give a Computer Graphics course for the License Pro 3ID, in replacement of François Faure, at the IUT2 of Grenoble. All the slides, source code and exam subjects can be found here (in French).

Personnal area


I play the violin, and I'm a proud member of the OSUG. If you happen to be in the area, don't hesitate and come listen to us. In particular, don't miss our representations of Verdi's Traviata in February 2008, after last year's Magic Flute.

2D Creation

In addition to playing in the orchestra mentionned above, I'm in charge of the visual advertising of our concerts. Actually, you can see these posters on every good wall in Grenoble. :)

3D Creation

Lame Paper Lame Paper is a short film I co-authored with my fellow PhD student friend Elmar Eisemann (aka "Helmut" ;P), during the 2004 animation course of the Master IVR. Its main character is Hugo, a cute little robot created as a mascot for the Eurographics 2004 conference by Laurence Boissieux. Beware, a minimal knowledge of non-photorealistic rendering is required to understand the plot of this geeky piece of work. Films of the other students of our year are available here.
Some misc. links...
» Study on Style
» Freestyle software