Procedural Modeling of Cracks and Fractures

Shape Modelling International (Short Paper ), page 346-349 - 2004
Télécharger la publication : modellingShort.pdf [251Ko]  
This paper presents a procedural method for modeling cracks and fractures in solid materials such as glass, metal and stone. Existing physically based techniques are computationally demanding and lack control over crack and fracture propagation. Our procedural approach provides the designer with simple tools to control the pattern of the cracks and the size and shape of the fragments. Given a few parameters, our method automatically creates a vast range of types of cracks and fragments of different shapes.

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Références BibTex

  author       = "Martinet, Aur\'elien and Galin, Eric and Desbenoit, Brett and Hakkouche, Samir",
  title        = "Procedural Modeling of Cracks and Fractures",
  booktitle    = "Shape Modelling International (Short Paper )",
  pages        = "346-349",
  year         = "2004",
  url          = ""

Autres publications dans la base

» Aurélien Martinet
» Eric Galin
» Brett Desbenoit