



Presentation Page..

2003 Raphael Grasset.


Our system is dedicated in collaborative applications. Some working scenarios are elaborate and use during our work study. Each are simple derivate application easily instanciate in our framework (adding some classe + specific tools and config files). They are not just scenario applications, but real applications describe and realize with the MARE Framework.
Ingenierie (Engeenering)architecture (architecture/urban planning)visualisation scientifiqueJeu (Game)

Scientific Visualization

Some scientific researcher around a table, can discuss on molecul state. The can interaction with the real environment, like take annotation, scribe formul. AR possibilites is use for display directly on real environment molecul, change viewpoint, and do some simulation.

Personnal Menu is use to change representation of molecul : wireframe, stick, CSG. This is use do with very intuitive interaction method, based on pen.

Architecture, Urban Planning

Architecte and clients can discuss around a table, when they visualize futur building place on a real map, plan. Different visualization mode are proposed switch role of user in the session : architecte visualize data in rough form, but can interact very precisely on object ,and clients have realistic view of the urban scene (high quality texture, real lighting) but have less possibility on interaction. Virtual annotation (verbal and writing) can be place on the environment for futur analysis. Architecte can keep use of real plan and in the same time interaction with virtual representation of the building. A hierarchical menu is use to add differents elements (building, house, tree) in the real map (we unified 2D and 3D in the same space). Object can be animated, and client can be immerse on the virtual scene after select a specific position.


Engineer can discuss of virtual prototyp place on table. With selection of specific area, or element, can obtain informations, and visualize the object with differents angle.


A role game can be a good context for an AR application. Some player around a table, can control our character (virtual or real piece), put on a real board-game. Master of the game can add virtual element, or real element in run-time for control and modify the adventure..

©2003 Raphael Grasset.